Thursday, December 13, 2012

Overhead Projector Ideas

Would you like me to tell you a secret? Would you believe me that this cost only 5 bucks and better you could even get it free?? Yes, that's right. I got it for five dollars at the local school warehouse. I got a magnetic white board for 5 bucks too! I even got the unifix cubes of 1000 for 4 dollars!!! The retail price for those are 100 or more. They have computers, tables, chairs, etc. I said you might get some free stuff because sometimes the do get rid of things and they'll give it to you for no cost, or in my case a very low cost. So here is a secret that many people may not know. Call your school and ask the number of the warehouse.

There are many uses for this projector:
1- Light table
2- Tracing table
3- Draw a picture then you can make a mural on the wall
4- Shadow tracing on the wall or a paper on the wall
5- Use it like a chalk board to write on a clear plastic sheet things to be read by the student
6- Add your own ideas...I ran out of mine! 

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